Advising Links
The below information is provided for your convenience. Refer to the current edition of the Mississippi State University Bulletin for authoritative information regarding your degree.
Resource | Description |
Academic Forgiveness Policy | Details on which courses can be retaken under academic forgiveness. Instructions for completing the request are found on Page 2, Item 5 of the link. |
B.S. Requirements | Current B.S. Requirements as of Spring 2017. |
Certificate In Trauma-Informed Child Advocacy (TICA) Studies | Flier and required courses for the TICA Certificate. |
Cognitive Science Minor | Requirements for the minor in Cognitive Science, which combines cognitive psychology, computer science, and other fields. |
Financial Aid Office | Scholarships, work study opportunities, and other forms of economic assistance. |
Gerontology Minor | Requirements for a minor in Gerontology, the scientific study of old age, the process of aging, and the particular problems of old people. |
GPA Calculator | Use this to calculate how your GPA would change based upon retaking certain classes, or grades you anticipate getting. |
Majors, concentrations, & certificates | A listing of majors, concentrations, & certificates available to undergraduate students at MSU. |
Math Placement Exam | Students who do not have a ACT math sub-score of 20 + can take this exam to be granted access to College Algebra. |
Psychology Minor Requirements | Requirements for obtaining a minor in Psychology |
Psychology Research Program (PRP) | Used to sign up for research studies within the department, and to earn required or extra credit for some courses. |
Student Forms from Office of the Provost | Includes Application for Advanced Standing Examination, Petition for Academic Amnesty, Petition for Academic Fresh Start, Petition for Readmission after Dismissal, Petition for Readmission after Suspension, Petition for Retroactive Withdrawal, Request for Course Overload, and Grade Appeal Form. |
Study Abroad Office | Earn credit towards your degree while studying in one of more than 40 different countries. |
Transfer Equivalency System | Used to look up which courses from neighboring institutions will transfer into MSU. |
University Calendars | See the Academic Calendar for registration and advising dates. There are also final exam schedules, university holidays, and library hours. |
University Minors and Certificates
College of Arts and Sciences minors
College of Education ABA minor
College of Education Educational Psychology minor
College of Education Industrial Technology minor
College of Education Veterans Certificate
College of Education Music minor
Minor in Architectural Studies
Historic Preservation Certificate
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Certificiates and minors
Global Engineering Leadership minor